Not to toot our own horn but she is the MVP.
Who? Our Kadalekai yenne! AKA groundnut oil. You know the old story of a chipmunk who craves groundnut and how it made him happy? We’re like that chipmunk! Groundnut makes us happy. The only thing better than groundnut is stuff fried in groundnut oil! But not all groundnut oils are made the same. If you're on this blog, you already know that. So we’ll just tell you how we make groundnut oil!
As you are aware, we extract the oils from a 2000 years old technique. It is the most sustainable way of production and it doesn't pollute the environment. Mass produce, factory-made oils lose all their natural properties and go through refining, oxidising, bleaching, and adding chemicals to produce artificially made, “natural” odour. This practice is very harmful to your body and your food becomes toxic. That is one of the many reasons why bull-driven cold-pressed oils are the healthy choice for you.
We keep receiving guests from across the country. Most of them are health-conscious folks who are keen to know how we make our oils. But a few days back, we had a special visitor Perana visited our farm with her parents during summer break and was curious to know about how bull-driven groundnut oil is made from scratch. We told things everything about how it is extracted using the crusher that rotates 2-3 Rotations per minute. She could see that every drop of this oil is a product of high energy and hard work.
A little snippet of our Ghanas and Women at work
Then she asked about how it helps her if she uses the oil? We did not know where to start but here are some things we told her:
Oldest methods of extraction
Let us set the scene. This oil is a product of a 2000-year-old tradition. This method is depicted in several south Indian temples, it is the slowest and THE most holistic way of extracting the oil
Lower Insulin Resistance
Because mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated healthy fats are present in ground nut oil, it improves blood sugar and controls the sugar. Bull-driven ground nut oil helps to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. It is also a great source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage.
Manage PCOS
Replacing complex carbs with simple ones like bull-driven groundnut oil brings a lot of changes in your body and daily exercise and a balanced diet can make your cycle regular. The only thing which you have to keep in the mind is to have chemical-free food products.
Maintain Heart Health
Bull-driven groundnut oil is rich in phytosterols that block the absorption of cholesterol from food since it is cold-pressed Groundnut Oil it is pure and has natural goodness and thus it can reduce the amount of cholesterol that ends up in your blood.
Our groundnut oil getting packed in a sustainable, glass bottle
It is rich in Vitamin E helps protect your body from free radicals and contains Fatty Acids which is good news for your cardiovascular health.
After listening to so many facts, she said that wants to come back with her classmates to do a project on how bull-driven cold-pressed oils are made. They even bought some oils from us and we hope that Perna enjoys french fries made from bull-driven groundnut oil
Of all the oils we make, the clear superstar is Groundnut oil. She is charming with various nutritious values and people line up to cook their favourite food with her. She compliments all cuisines because her flavour adds a touch of delicate perfection to the dish. Not to toot our own horn but she is the MVP.
And tell us when you try us! We want to see your food pictures and videos and well, basically, anything food :-)