Cold pressed coconut oil made with bull driven process where fresh coconuts and sun dried for months to produce the dry copra which are then wood pressed and crushed at cold temperature to bring out the most healthy and organic cold pressed coconut oil. Our coconut oil is 100% virgin coconut oil and we do not add any other ingredient in the oil apart from freshly grown coconuts from our farms.
Most of the other cold pressed coconuts oils available in market are crushed using machines which increases the temperature of the oil which makes it loose its natural properties and health benefits. They sell them as cold pressed oils or kachi ghani coconut oil but in reality these oils are not cold pressed.
At Grassroots Organic Farms, we completely avoid any machines and our cold pressed coconut oils are made by traditional bull driven process which makes it 100% cold pressed and 100% virgin coconut oils.
Grassroots Organic Farms Cold-Pressed Coconut oil
The journey of this coconut oil starts a year before it reaches your doorstep.
We harvest and shade dry native, naturally grown coconuts (dry copra) for months on our farm. And when summer comes, this Kobbari is sun-dried. Our crunchy Kobbari then gets ready to make fragrant coconut oil with our bull driven process.
It takes two kilos of Kobbari and two complete hours of continuous crushing to make a batch of this oil. After this, for four days, our oil soaks up some good sunshine to dissipate moisture.
It is then meticulously packed and brought to your doorstep in a glass bottle within five days of extraction.
Quality of the oil is top notch but the delivery service has to be improved and would help if any delay in delivery is communicated